Squad Allocations

Outlined below are answers to frequently asked questions about squad allocations.


Frequently asked questionS

Where can I find information about each squad?

Click on the links below to read more about each squad.

Junior Program

From the Junior Program, swimmers move to either the Youth Program or Competitive Program.

Youth Program

Competitive Program

Masters Program

How often are swimmer's assessed?

Each swimmer's suitability for their level is monitored on a monthly basis (or quarterly for older/advanced squads). When it is clear that a swimmer is ready to progress, a notice will be sent by email advising the new level and the start date.

In some instances we will invite a swimmer to complete a trial in a new level before they progress to that level.

How often do swimmers change squad levels?

This depends on many factors such as age, skill level, speed, focus, attendance, goals, attitude, performance, etc. 

Below is an indication of time typically spent in each level:

  • Junior 3: 3-6 months

  • Junior 2: 3-6 months

  • Junior 1: 6-12 months

  • Dolphins: 12-18 months

  • Development (B Group): 3-9 months

  • Development (A Group): 1-2 years

  • Sprinters: 1-2 years

  • Open: 2+ years

  • Competition: 2+ years

  • Performance: Unlimited

  • Masters: Unlimited

It should be noted that there are subgroups within most squads too, so swimmers will be placed in the most appropriate lane based on the specific set being performed.

Each swimmer’s circumstances can be quite unique, with some swimmers being very advanced at a certain skill/stroke whilst finding other skills/strokes difficult to put into practice.

What pathways are there once swimmers have completed the Junior program?

From the Junior Program, swimmers progress through to either our Youth or Competitive Programs. Swimmers can switch between these programs.

What do I do if my child wants to get involved in competitive swimming?

For information about competitive swimming, click here